Te presentamos una comparativa de precios del producto Meteos 1 . Encuentra el producto más barato entre las diferentes webs de venta online de productos de deportes de mar.
Si quieres puedes consultar nuestro catálogo completo de Instrumentación náutia, así como también el catálogo de Instrumentación náutia Skywatch
El Meteos 1 forma parte de la subcategoría de intrumentación. Si estás interesado en otros productos similares puedes acceder alo listado de productos donde podrás encontrar alternativas al Meteos 1
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Skywatch Meteos 1:
Features :
A Clever First Step into Meteorology !
Wind speed and temperature meter, including a calculation mode of the wind-chill factor (temperature felt when the wind is blowing). Used by fire fighters, farmers, scientists, etc.
SKYWATCH® meteos is a thermo-anemometer who measure wind strength without worrying about his position. The Skywatch meteos 1 is energized by a replaceable AA battery. The display is made up 99.9 at the 10th, then to the unit. A thread on the botoom plate allows its mount on a tripod photo.
Wind-Chill Factor : The Wind Chill Factor is a calculation of the wind effect on temperature. The faster the wind blows, the faster the body loses heat. It is dangerous if your body loses too much heat. For example : a 0°C current temperature and a 30 km/h wind bring you a temperature of -13°C !!! At sea, in the mountain, while you are trekking of biking, the SKYWATCH Meteos will give you instantly the real temperature felt by your body and preserve you from frostbite and hypothermia.
1. Instant windspeed
2. Maximum windspeed
3. Average windspeed (3s to 24h)
4. Instant temperature
5. Maximum temperature
6. Average temperature (3s to 24h)
7. Minimum temperature
8. Wind chill factor
Technical specifications :
Units : km/h, mph, m/s, fps, knots and bft
Resolution : at the 10th up to 99.9, then to the unit
Precision : +/- 3 % from -10° to +50°C
Measuring range : From 2 to 150 km/h
Model : Meteos 1
Type : Anemometer thermometer with 54mm propeller
Dimensions : ø65mm x 155mm
Weight : 235 grammes
Units : °C and °F, °C wind-chill, °F wind-chill
Precision : at 10th degree +/- 0.2 at 20°C
Measuring range : For -40°C to +80°C
Waterproof - floating
2 AA batteries
Protective cap for the impeller
Aluminium bottom plate for tripod attachment (1/4")
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